Letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committees Advocating for Increased Pell Spending in FY25
The Double Pell Alliance sent this letter to the leadership of the House and Senate appropriations committees, and all appropriations LAs in the House and Sena…
Letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committees About Pell Surplus
The Double Pell Alliance sent this letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Appropriations committees, urging lawmakers to preserve the surplus of fund…
Letter to Senate and House Appropriations Chairs and Vice Chairs
A letter to the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Senate and House appropriations committees urging them to support significant investment in the Federal Pell Gran…
Letter to Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
A letter to the Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies urging them to support significant investment in the Federal …
Letter to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services
Letter to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services urging the Subcommittee to make sure that the discretionary allocation for Pel…
#DoublePell Advocacy Handout
The Pell Grant program is the nation’s foundational investment in higher education. Pell Grants help nearly 7 million low-and moderate-income students attend a…
NASFAA Issue Brief: Doubling the Maximum Pell Grant (June 2021)
The Pell Grant is the cornerstone of the federal student aid programs, providing need-based grant aid to our country’s lowest-income postsecondary students.
Double Pell Community Letter
Letter from nearly 1,200 organizations, including about 900 colleges and universities, urging Congress to #DoublePell.
This site provides research, reports, advocacy resources, and more that support the goal of doubling the maximum Federal Pell Grant, as well as a range of othe…