Voices of Pell

Alique Khatchikian

But #DoublePell “would mean that my family would know that my education was attainable without the financial burden. I would be able to have a greater focus on education rather than have to work long hours to afford the cost of receiving education.”

Alique Khatchikian

Alique Khatchikian

Glendale Community College, CA

Alique says she has always believed that college was the place that would allow her to grow and mold into a successful member of society, and to step outside of her comfort zone and push herself academically. Her goal is to gain a master’s and return to Glendale Community College as a professor in order to “be a guide for upcoming students of the next generations.”

The Pell Grant has given her the financial ability to balance work and school, and pay for most of her college expenses.

But #DoublePell “would mean that my family would know that my education was attainable without the financial burden. I would be able to have a greater focus on education rather than have to work long hours to afford the cost of receiving education.”