add_action('wp_head', function(){echo '';}, 1); About | DoublePell Campaign

Our Commitment to Online Privacy

Thank you for using the web site created by the Double Pell Alliance (DPA). In order to fulfill its mission as a forum for advocacy for doubling the maximum Pell Grant, DPA may use electronic information to contact interested parties to coordinate initiatives on a national scale.

DPA is committed to protecting your online privacy, and this notice explains the DPA website’s online information practices and how your information is collected and used on the web site. So that this notice is easy to find, it is available to all visitors to the DPA home page, as well as most web pages on the DPA web site.

The details of this privacy notice are shared with DPA partners in order to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.


DPA uses cookies to track usage of the DPA web site using web log analysis software. The cookies are used by website system administration to keep track of movement of an individual user from one page to another. This information may be used by our staff to detect and resolve website problems, to assist with customer support, better maintain our website, and improve marketing practices. We do not collect any personally identifiable information about site visitors in this process.

We may use this information for system maintenance and to better understand how our visitors use our site and services so that we can make them better. DPA may also share cookie information with third parties for marketing or research purposes.

Personal Visitor Information

We collect the personal information that you may volunteer while using the electronic services on the DPA web site, such as sharing student stories for the Pell Voices page or sending a letter to Congress via the Contact Congress tool, or sending us e-mail. We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or entities, or private organizations. We do not disclose your personal data to our subsidiaries or other organizations except as required by law or in situations involving threats to the physical safety of any person.

Information that we collect or might collect from our online services on the DPA web site includes: Name, Title, Institution, Address, Phone and fax numbers (fax numbers are voluntary), and E-mail address.

Information submitted to DPA by an individual acting solely in a business capacity is excluded from the scope of this privacy notice.

How We Use Information Collected via Online Communication

We use the information you provide about yourself when using our online services (such as the Contact Congress form) to complete the specific task.

For e-mail correspondence not collected via online services on our web site, we routinely use the return e-mail addresses to answer the e-mail we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties.

How to Opt Out of Communication with DPA

If you would like to discontinue communication from DPA, you may contact us via this form and state that you would like to be removed from our mailing lists or otherwise being contacted by us.

Our Commitment to Data Security

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Information obtained via online registration forms is encrypted, using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. An SSL connection ensures privacy, authentication, and message integrity. With SSL technology, information sent via the Internet is encrypted and authenticated to protect access to communications and transactions.

URLs beginning with “https://” indicate that an SSL connection is being used.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. We never collect or maintain information at our web site from persons we know to be under age 13, and no part of our web site is designed to attract anyone under age 13. Please do not communicate with or contact us if you are under age 13.

How You Can Review or Correct Your Information

You can contact us via this form to ask if we are keeping personal data about you.

If we do have personal data about you, we will provide you with a readable copy of your data, and we will provide the information without any charge. We do not make this information available through our website.

Factual errors in your personally identifiable information, including out-of-date information, can be corrected by sending us a request that credibly shows that error.

And, to protect your privacy and security, we also will take reasonable steps to verify your identify before making corrections or releasing your information for review.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

Because privacy laws both within the United States and overseas are in a state of flux and subject to change, DPA reserves the right to change this privacy notice, effective when it is re-posted to the DPA website. When changes are made to this privacy notice, DPA will not reduce its scope.

Questions or Comments About this Privacy Notice

If you have additional questions or concerns about this privacy notice, including implementation and administration, please contact us using this form.